Fall 2023
UI | UX | Figma
30/30 is a fictional app designed for a school project. The objective was to learn how to use common components like buttons, cards, lists, etc. using Google’s Material Design principles as reference.
The app itself is a movie rating site that rates films out of a top score of 30.
Why Out of 30?
When browsing any resource that has a community rating function, it is easy to see the full range of rating numbers is rarely used. This practically cuts the possible ratings in half and it becomes a guessing game of intentions. 30/30 simplifies this process by having clearer categories that also allows for variation within them.
The 7/10 Problem
We can see the inadequacy of scoring systems that use a 10-point scale by looking at IMDb.
Morbius (2022) stands at a score of 5.1/10, mathematically this score is in the middle and should communicate that the movie is average.
However, Morbius was universally panned so why does it have a score so high?
Most people perceive 7/10 as “average” because in school they are taught scores bellow 50% equate to failure and scores around 70%. are average.
Because 30/30 moves away from typical scoring metrics it will be easier for users to divorce themselves from preconceived notions and rewire the way they perceive scores. Movies like Morbius will have a score that communicates its quality more clearly.
It was important that the concept of rating movies out of 30 was communicated right away. The login screen allows you to get a taste of how movies get ranked. On first login users are given a whole explanation of the concept.
We also feature some of the most popular reviews. The red reviews are from journalists, celebrities, or influencers. Users can also go from review to the movie page with ease.
Movie Pages
Movie pages derive some their color from their movie poster. Along with reviews, one can see cast and crew that worked on the movie.
Rating a Movie
Pressing on the Movie's rating opens up new window. It gives details on the number of reviews and ratings. You can also rate the review yourself from this window. The form is meant to aid users in using the 30-point rating system.